
How have I got on – 28th March

This week, only the second week of writing this, I’m late with my blog.

On Sunday I did get some writing done. However when I would usually finish I was playing Lord of the Rings Risk with my son. He’s autistic and has had some stresses recently, the biggest one being that his brilliant 1 to 1 at school has left and he now has a term without her. The school are looking for a replacement, but it’s upheaval for him.

And then I meant to try and get some things done yesterday morning. But it was a Monday. Getting ready for school always takes priority. So here I am finishing off what I should have done on Sunday, today on Tuesday.

This week I have added 2273 words. This is more than I planned, albeit a bit later than I’d planned. I’m still using the same methodology, planning using Scrivener and a 4 act template I found, dictating using Dragon, and then compiling and cleaning up what I’ve dictated and making sure it hangs together. I read a number of years ago that dictating the scene a number of times gives you different options and ideas for the scene and lets you choose the best of them. And that’s exactly what I do, with much of my dictation bizarrely done on the car with a dictaphone and headset. I find that I have no distractions and can easily get things done.

That’s all for this week. Thank you for reading.

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