
How have I got on – week ending 23rd July

Last week I was behind and didn’t finish the chapter I’d intended until late this week. So I have completed work this week, but it was what I’d missed last week. I have since planned (rudimentary) the next chapter. I had intended to dictate it today, but I have been distracted by youth football. I’ve had to make sure our fixtures will work for us, and I have also been doing some online training courses. What this has meant is that I haven’t completed what I wanted this week. I’ll have a look at it tomorrow, and see how I get on, but I wrote the same last week with the intention of completing the chapter I was writing on the Monday, and didn’t manage it.

I will complete this chapter, the end of the 3rd act of my 4 act story. When I get this completed, I will be on the homeward stretch…

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